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Blooming Well Done!

November 30 2021

a group of residents smiling at the camera in the garden at victoria square

Victoria Square’s beautiful communal garden is a haven in the city centre.

Until recently it was cared for by one of Northwards’ most colourful residents, former drag queen Graham Giles, AKA Dame Gracy.

Graham lovingly tended the garden for many years and his efforts were rewarded, achieving gold in Britain in Bloom, four years in a row. Sadly, Graham passed away in March and without his skills and experience, the future of the garden looked uncertain.

Until this lot stepped in!

A group of residents rallied round to continue his legacy. They cleared the paths, making the garden accessible for wheelchair users and invited those less mobile to have a go at planting up the raised beds. Our very own Elaine, caretaker for the square, pitched in too, developing a wildflower area to attract the bees.

Peter Tucker, one of the volunteers, said: “We’re all just beginners, learning as we go but the garden has been a real lifeline for us during lockdown. It’s been a pleasure to come out and spend time in the fresh air.”

Their efforts have been recognised by the In Bloom judges - the garden won three awards this year, including gold.

What a fantastic team, well done everyone!