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We regularly monitor our performance across a range of housing services using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

We report our figures quarterly to our Housing Advisory Board who support us to set targets on the areas that matter the most to residents.

Our KPIs also comply with the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standards and housing legislation.

Q1 April - June 2024

Repairs completed on time - 65%

Our resident-chaired Your Voice Group for ‘Home’ has been reviewing current repairs performance and co-creating a new service standard for us to work to. This will focus on providing a realistic and achievable model, which meets the needs of residents better. This is due to be published in Quarter 2 and this will set out clear information for Residents on what timescales they can expect their repairs to be completed in.


Days to relet empty homes – 99

The number of re-let days has increased in Q1, due to a range of operational factors affecting performance. A new model for managing Voids and Allocations is being developed currently, with an emphasis on reducing the re-let time and quality of our homes.


Contact Centre calls answered - 64%

During Q1 performance has improved again and the service is working hard to get this figure up further. New staff have filled vacant positions, and a robust induction process has been designed to get them ready to handle calls effectively.  

Although wait times and abandon rates continue to be a challenge we are working hard to overcome, the volume of compliments received in Q1 was great. Many customers took the time to compliment the advisor who helped them and overall satisfaction with the Contact Centre operators help was 83% for the year 2023/24.

We want to assure our Residents that we are working very hard to tackle the issues with call wait times and we have implemented a range of process changes this summer, which appear to be making steady improvements to performance.


Complaints responded to in 10 days - 53%

This figure has worsened in Q1 and is well below the average performance figure from the previous year. A variety of factors have contributed to this drop in performance, many of which are being addressed as a priority. 

Staff absence and vacancies created a backlog of complaints which went out of time in March and April 2024, and the aftereffects of this have continued into June & July. A new Complaints Handling team has been created within the Repairs & Maintenance Team, as more than 90% of our Complaints relate to this area. This new team includes a dedicated administrator, a Complaints Surveyor and a dedicated Repairs Services Manager – who now oversee all Stage 1, Stage 2 and Housing Ombudsman complaints. The team are managed by a newly appointed Head of Repairs and Maintenance, who is prioritising ‘learning from complaints’ and ‘improving complaint handling timescales’ within their key objectives.


Income Collection - 109%

This is a positive trend and demonstrates that Residents are being supported to pay their rent on time and in advance before tenancies start. This is a pro-active and preventative model, which is proven to reduce Rent Arrears and combined with robust ‘Money Advice’ services, the team are helping our Residents to sustain their tenancies.    


Residents satisfied with repairs - 71%

Resident satisfaction with repairs has decreased in Quarter 1 and is currently below target. A range of operational issues have been identified and reported to Equans, and these have become the focus of a Strategic Service Delivery review, from which a detailed action plan will be developed. This work is being monitored at a Senior Executive level in MCC, to ensure these issues are rectified and improved long-term for Residents. 


Alongside this there are active Resident Voice groups doing lots of work to review the Repairs Service and many of these group members have been undertaking ‘Scrutiny Training’ in August 2024 to empower them to run a full scrutiny review in future. This is likely to focus on key areas of the Repairs and Maintenance service, as this is the biggest cause for Resident complaints and contacts. The findings from these reviews will always be published in an accessible format and publicised, so that our Residents can hold us to account and see what we are doing to listen to and address their concerns.


Gas Servicing - 99%

Performance continues to remain strong, whilst management continually looks to evolve the service to keep residents safe in their homes 


Electrical Testing - 96%

Following a recent service review additional resources were deployed to increase the rate of electrical safety testing. As a result, service delivery has improved. 


Fire Risk Assessment - 100%

 The current approach to fire safety performs well. Despite this, we will continually look for opportunities to deliver a safer, more efficient service. 

Q4 January - March 2024

Repairs completed on time - 67%

Although there has been an improvement in performance between Q3 and Q4, the results are below target. This is due to the volume of emergency and urgent repairs.  

During the year nearly 60% of repairs raised were treated as emergency or urgent, with a target to complete within 24 hours or three days. This high demand means many of the operative’s diaries cannot be ‘appointed’ to general repairs, as their schedules need to be kept open at least 60% of the time to react to emergency and urgent repairs.  

In the long term, this has a negative impact for residents who have non-emergency repairs, as they cannot get an appointment easily.  

For that reason, our resident-chaired Your Voice Group for ‘Home’ has been reviewing current repairs performance and co-creating a new service standard for us to work to. This will focus on providing a realistic and achievable model, which meets the needs of residents better. 


Days to relet empty homes - 80

The number of re-let days has increased in Q4, due to a range of operational factors affecting performance.  

The Senior Leadership Team reviews void performance weekly and continues to identify barriers to re-letting homes, taking proactive action wherever possible. 


Contact Centre calls answered - 61%

During Q4 performance improved and the service started to stabilise. Several new staff were employed to fill vacant positions, and a robust induction process was followed to get them ready to handle calls effectively.  

Although wait times and abandon rates continue to be a challenge we are working hard to overcome, the volume of compliments received in Q4 was great.  

Many customers took the time to compliment the advisor who helped them.  


Complaints responded to in 10 days - 87%

Further performance improvement was made in Q4. Overall, this performance measure is above target, and we will continue to aim for as close to 100% as possible.  


Income Collection - 100%

Performance this quarter was above target for the first time this year. This is due to the team receiving more training on how to use the data and insight provided by the ‘Rent Sense’ system, and indicative data for Q1 24/25 is that this trend will continue.   


Residents satisfied with repairs - 79%

Performance increased by 1% but remains well below target. Several key trends and issues have been identified by the feedback team and these have been shared with Equans.  

Work is underway to tackle some of these key issues and this work will be included on the agenda of our Your Voice ‘Home’, resident’s group, which will look at opportunities to increase Resident Satisfaction with Repairs.   


Gas Servicing - 99%

Performance continues to remain strong, whilst management continually looks to evolve the service to keep residents safe in their homes 


Electrical Testing - 96%

Following a recent service review additional resources were deployed to increase the rate of electrical safety testing. As a result, service delivery has improved. 


Fire Risk Assessment - 100%

The current approach to fire safety performs well. Despite this, we continue to look for opportunities to deliver a safer, more efficient service. 

Q3 October – December 23

Repairs completed on time - 65%

Performance has dipped in Q3, which is due to the impact of winter pressures and the ability to complete certain jobs during poor weather conditions.  

Work is underway with our repairs contractor, Equans, to recruit additional specialist support. This will help us to respond to the increased gas and central heating failure calls during the winter period and reduce waiting times for residents.   


Days to relet empty homes - 76

The number of re-let days has slightly increased in Q3. This is due to the service dealing with higher than usual numbers of void properties as we launched the Silk Street development. 

The Senior Leadership Team review void performance weekly and continue to identify barriers to re-letting homes, taking pro-active action wherever possible. 


Contact Centre calls answered - 59%

Q3 includes winter and holiday periods which tend to impact call handling rates due to increased call volumes and a surge in demand before the Christmas closedown.  

While we tried to ensure we had enough advisors to meet this demand, sickness and holiday absences presented the team with some challenges during the quarter.  


Complaints responded to in 10 days - 85%

There was a small dip, from Q2. This was partly due to the holiday season and a reduction in normal staffing levels. However, overall performance remained above target.  


Income Collection - 100%

Performance this quarter was very strong, considering the financial pressures residents can face during the Christmas period. The income and money advice team tailored their service to residents they knew to be most in need of support to help them pay their rent. This included maximising the Community Living Fund.  


Residents satisfied with repairs - 78%

Performance dipped by 8% in Q3, which is concerning. This has been flagged up with Equans at the quarterly performance meeting and arrangements have been made to review the resident feedback that has been provided by these customers.  

Key trends, issues and concerns will be addressed and learning from this feedback will take place.  


Gas Servicing - 98%

Performance continues to remain strong, whilst management continually looks to evolve the service to keep residents safe in their homes 


Electrical Testing - 94%

Following a recent service review more resources were deployed to increase the rate of electrical safety testing. As a result, service delivery has improved. 


Fire Risk Assessment - 100%

The current approach to fire safety performs well. Despite this, we continue to look for opportunities to deliver a safer, more efficient service. 

Q2 July – September 23

Repairs completed on time 78%

The volume of new repairs and reports of damp and mould continues to increase which creates operational challenges for the service.  In response, management is reviewing the service model and the level of resources needed to deliver an effective service.  

Time to relet empty homes 75 days

Average relet time continues to improve. We are, however, a substantial way from the target of 27 days.

With a more stable surveying function in place, properties can move through the system more quickly. There is a continued focus on meeting the void standard so homes can be let when passed to the lettings team.

The team have focussed on letting the new build apartments at Silk Street. As many of these have been let to current tenants this has increased the amount of voids. The aim is to work through these quickly and relet as soon as possible.

Calls answered by the contact centre 69%

The team continue to work hard to improve call answer rates and reduce waiting times. They have recently recruited a cohort of new advisors and are recruiting again to keep up with resident demand.

Residents have alternative ways of accessing support and the team provides a range of services online, via social media and through webchat. Residents can also drop in to see the team in person in our public offices.

Complaints responded to within 10 days 91%

Although performance is below target, there has been a 12% increase in since Q1. This has been helped by introducing a dedicated feedback officer, and a live dashboard.

This gives the leadership team a continual overview of cases open and overdue. The data is updated daily, to ensure that complaints are answered in time. In addition, all managers across the department have received comprehensive complaints training. 

Income collection 98%

Many residents continue to struggle with cost-of-living increases, which negatively impacts on household budgets.

Our Money Advice Team have been busy supporting tenants and helping them with budgeting, debt and benefits advice. Colleagues in the rent team have been supporting tenants through early intervention in arrears cases, to ensure arrears do not build up.

The team use text messaging to encourage tenants to seek support at the earliest stage, if they are struggling to pay their rent and other bills.   

Resident Satisfaction with Repairs 86%

In response to a range of recently introduced service changes such as the Repairs Hub and Resident Learning, customer satisfaction has continued to improve to its highest level since joining Manchester City Council.

Gas Servicing 99%

Performance continues to remain strong, whilst management continually looks to evolve the service to keep residents safe in their homes.

Electrical testing 90%

Following a recent service review additional resources were deployed to increase the rate of electrical safety testing. This has resulted in a continuing trend of improvement in service delivery.

Fire Risk Assessments 100%

The current approach to fire safety continues to perform well. Despite this management continues to review and look for opportunities to deliver a safer, more efficient service.

Q1 April - June 23

Housing services performance

Repairs completed on time

A range of factors have affected our performance including an increase in reports of damp and mould.

Our management team are carrying out a full review of our repairs service standards and processes so that we can improve the service.

Days to re-let empty homes

This stands at 78 days and is a significant improvement on the last quarter.

There is a continued monitoring of performance across all teams at weekly meetings and Housing Services will now start carry out surveys of more complex voids

We will now start work on digital let pack to continue to improve information and tenant satisfaction.

Calls answered by Contact Centre

This stands at 71% which is below our target of 80% but it is an improvement on the last quarter.

We have new advisors in training and we have seen a clear improvement week on week as they become more experienced.

We will continue to work on the efficiency of the whole team with increased coaching sessions, advisor development and productivity incentives.

Complaints responded to within 10 days

This stands at 30% and is a reduction in performance.

An improvement plan has been developed and a new management and repairs complaints structure has been launched.

A new Resident Feedback Officer is now also in place to help support our new approach.

Income collection

This stands at 98%

But is not an accurate reflection of collection rates due to issues with our IT not recording all payments.

The challenges continue with more tenants struggling to pay as cost of living increases impact household budgets.

Training is underway to allow the team to contact tenants more quickly should they fall behind as well as run targeted campaigns.

Resident satisfaction with repairs

This stands at 84% which shows a continuing trend of improvement.

Surveys are carried out the day after the repair and details of dissatisfaction are shared with EQUANS to resolve. All reports of dissatisfaction are reviewed, and the information is used to develop future service changes.

Significant changes have been implemented in within the service, we have established a ‘Repairs Hub’ and ‘Resident Learning Team’ to focus on resident feedback and learning.

Q4 January – March 23

Housing Services Performance Q4: January - March 2023. 93% of repairs completed on time. 105 days to relet empty homes. 63% of contact centre calls answered. 47% of complaints responded to within 10 days. 99% income collection. 78% of residents satisfied with repairs.

Repairs completed on time

This stands at 93%, the trend of improving performance against target continues.

EQUANS and MCC IT teams will be focussing on improving reporting reliability.  This will be further enhanced through the impending appointment of the Asset Data Analyst.

Resident satisfaction with repairs

This stands at 78% and there is evidence of a gradual trend of increasing resident satisfaction.

Surveys are carried out the day after the repair and details of dissatisfaction are shared with EQUANS on a daily basis to resolve.

Dissatisfaction is analysed to identify trends and target areas for service improvement. A new role has been created to focus on resident feedback and learning.

Complaints responded to within 10 days

This stands at 47%. We came into Q4 with continuing staffing issues which has affected our response times.

We move out of Q4 fully staffed in this area with a much improved performance on complaints.

The customer experience team have stepped in to support which has reduced the number outstanding significantly.

Time to relet empty homes

This stands at 105 days.

At the end of March 2023 there were 126 empty properties. This is a decrease of over 100 since August 2022 and a further improvement of 39 on the end of Q3.

Calls answered by contact centre

This stands at 63%, calls answered has continued to decrease in Q4 as we have struggled with staffing levels.

In March we recruited 9 new advisors who will finish their training in May.

This will greatly improve our call answering power and significantly reduce our wait time.

Income collection

This stands at 99%, which is below target but remains static.

Rent collection has been a challenge over the past year and the impact of austerity and the cost of living crisis is having a detrimental affect. The level of outstanding debt on disrepair cases that we are working to resolve is also having an impact.

Money advice capacity has been increased within the team and there has been an increase in the support fund for struggling tenants to mitigate the impact of the rise in the cost of living.

Q3 October – December 22

Housing Services Performance Q3: October - December 2022. 92% of repairs completed on time. 114 days to relet empty homes. 71% of contact centre calls answered. 43% of complaints responded to within 10 days. 99% income collection. 77% of residents satisfied with repairs.

Repairs completed on time

This stands at 92% which is below our target of 98% but an increase on the previous quarter.

Performance continues to improve and we are focusing on weekly operational group meetings and service reviews.

Resident satisfaction with repairs

This is at 77% which is below the target of 95% but an increase on the last quarter.

Dissatisfaction is now being analysed to identify trends and target areas for service improvement.

Complaints responded to within 10 days

This stands at 43% and is down from the last quarter.

This significant decline in performance is directly related to a significant increase in demand, which was further impacted by absences in key roles, which has since been rectified.

Time to relet empty homes

This stands at 114 days and our target is 27 days. However this is up from the last quarter.

179 homes were let in the quarter compared to 165 in Q2 and 125 in Q1.

Calls answered by contact centre

This stands at 71% which is below our target of 80%, but an improvement on the last quarter.

Performance was directly affected by the increase in call demand at this time due to bad weather and an increase in the number of reports of damp and mould from November 2022 onwards.

Income collection

Rent collection stands at 99% which is up on the last quarter.

Rent collection performance has improved despite challenges during Q3 in relation to residents being unable to pay online and over the phone in the run up to Christmas due to a Civica Pay issue.

Q2 July – September 22

Housing Services Performance Q2: July - September 2022. 87% of repairs completed on time. 123 days to relet empty homes. 80% of contact centre calls answered. 66% of complaints responded to within 10 days. 98% income collection. 69% of residents satisfied with repairs.

Repairs completed on time

This stands at 88% which is down from the target of 98%.

The Customer Service intervention group joined by managers from EQUANS is meeting monthly and is focussing on improving customer contact and communication and increasing getting it right first time.

Resident satisfaction with repairs

This stands at 69% which is below the target of 95%. This is expected to improve next quarter.

Time to relet empty homes

This stands at 123 days, which is down from our target of 27 days.

Weekly reconciliation meetings remain in place with a focus on ensuring that planning can be made to let homes quickly.

Calls answered by contact centre

This stands at 80% which is on target.

Ongoing improvement projects for the CSC include  right 1st time measures to unpick how effectively we are resolving contacts at 1st point of call alongside work on the new 'Hub' that supporting colleagues obtain instant access to data more efficiently.

Complaints responded to within 10 days

This stands at 66% which is down from our target of 80%, this was primarily due to ICT system issues which have now been resolved.

Income collection

This stands at 98% which is down from our target of 100%.

The team are carrying some vacancies which invariably impacts the ability to work through all the cases that need to be addressed and to support residents.

Money Advice referrals have increased significantly from 292 in Q1 to 383 in Q2 and the cost of living is having an impact with many residents really struggling even before major fuel price increases from October 2022 onwards are factored in. These referrals do not include cases where residents contact Money Advisers directly for advice.

Q1 April – June 2022

Housing Services Performance Q1: April - June 2022. No data for repairs completed on time. 126 days to relet empty homes. 76% of contact centre calls answered. 83% of complaints responded to within 10 days. 99% income collection. No data of residents satisfied with repairs.

Repairs completed on time

Unavailable due to due system issues. Data will be available for Q2 2022/23.

Resident Satisfaction with Repairs

Unavailable due to due system issues. Data will be available for Q2 2022/23.

Time to relet empty homes

This stands at 126 days which is considerably outside our target of 27 days. An action plan is in place to improve performance in this key area

Calls answered by call centre

This stands at 76% which is slightly below our target of 80%.

55,725 calls came to the CSC for this quarter and 43,227 were successfully answered. Call volumes had seen an increase in activity from May up to June because of integration issues with IT both internally and with our contractor Equans. 

Complaints responded to within 10 days

This stands at 83% and is above the target, there is no change since the last quarter.

Following a review of complaints there has been a rollout of new processes and training which has contributed to the improved performance.

Income Collection

This stands at 99% and is on target, no change since the last quarter.

We have moved to the new DWP payment system which makes it easier to see week on week where collection stands.

It is worth noting more requests for financial support with rent arrears because of the cost-of-living crisis are being received.